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Belt Scale Systems

Rice Lake Weighing Systems’ Master belt scales are ideal for quickly moving and weighing bulk material. High-quality weigh frames and components ensure systems are operating efficiently and providing an accurate weight output. Keep your production moving with Rice Lake’s wide selection of durable, in-motion belt scale systems.


What is a belt scale?

A belt scale system is used to monitor the flow rate for loose bulk material, such as gravel, sand, grain and more. Belt scale systems generally include a weigh frame, speed sensor and an integrator. Weigh frames are the weighing structure and usually consist of load cells and either rollers or idlers on the load cells, which support the conveyor belt. As conveyors carry material, weight is measured by the load cells while the speed and distance are recorded by the speed sensors. An integrator, or indicator, processes the data and displays the weight per hour and total weight. Belt scales are ideal for a wide variety of industries including mining, quarries, and process control.


882D Belt Scale Integrator

Designed with belt scales in mind, the 882D Belt Scale Integrator delivers the data required in a compact package.

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